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Top level | immaterial entity Short Extended |
Level 2 | anatomical space Short Extended |
Current level | anatomical conduit space Extended |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Ancestors |
Taxonomic list |
FMAID | TA | UID | Pair |
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
9338 | 10180 |
anatomical conduit space
spatium canalis anatomici
53165 | 10909 |
space of cranial canal
spatium canalis cranii
54809 | 359↓ | part |
lacerum foramen of cranial base
foramen lacerum basis cranii
399 | part |
nasopharyngeal meatus
meatus nasopharyngeus
400 | part |
choana ; posterior nasal opening
choana ; apertura nasalis posterior
17045↓ |
immaterial foramen
foramen incorporeum
75306 | 454 | part |
foramen magnum
foramen magnum
75352 | 7297 | part |
singular foramen
foramen singulare
75304 | 300 |
nutrient foramen
foramen nutricium
75350 | 5268 | part |
foramen caecum of medulla oblongata ▲
foramen caecum medullae oblongatae
13479 | 788 | part |
vertebral foramen T4 27 children
foramen vertebrale
16999 | 1036 | part |
obturator foramen
foramen obturatum
23997 | 797 | part |
transverse foramen of cervical vertebra T4 21 children
foramen transversarium vertebrae cervicalis
14711 | 3487 | part |
omental foramen ; epiploic foramen
foramen omentale ; foramen epiploicum
10143 | 1425 | part |
costotransverse foramen T4 38 children
foramen costotransversarium
75347 | 2835 | part |
(thyroid foramen )
(foramen thyroideum )
17031 | 1525 | part |
greater sciatic foramen
foramen ischiadicum majus
17035 | 1526 | part |
lesser sciatic foramen
foramen ischiadicum minus
75351 | 5789 | part |
interventricular foramen
foramen interventriculare
75346 | 838 | part |
intervertebral foramen of sacrum
foramen intervertebrale ossis sacri
73355 | 839 | part |
anterior sacral foramen
foramen sacrale anterius
842 | part |
posterior sacral foramen
foramen sacrale posterius
57159 | 2374 | part |
apical foramen
foramen apicis cuspidis dentis
16828 | part |
physiologic foramen
foramen physiologicum
16829 | part |
anatomical foramen
foramen anatomicum
86464 | 6077 | part |
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
54935 | 2461 | part |
cavity of pharynx
cavitas pharyngis
57479 | 16080 |
subdivision of region of surface of viscerocranial mucosa
divisio regionis superficiei mucosae viscerocranialis
54999 | 2476 | part |
pharyngeal recess
recessus pharyngeus
55308 | 18023 |
subdivision of laryngeal cavity
divisio cavitatis laryngis
55404 | 18024 |
subdivision of supraglottic part of larynx
divisio partis supraglotticae laryngis
55406 | 2899 | part |
laryngeal vestibule
vestibulum laryngis
64167 | 18025 |
subdivision of laryngeal vestibule
divisio vestibuli laryngis
55405 | 2894 | part |
laryngeal inlet
aditus laryngis
55311 | 2910 | part |
infraglottic cavity
cavitas infraglottica
54373 | 369 | part |
vomerovaginal canal of external surface of cranial base
canalis vomerovaginalis basis cranii externae
54374 | 370 | part |
vomerorostral canal of external surface of cranial base
canalis vomerorostralis basis cranii externae
3724 | 10912 |
anatomical opening T4 181 children
apertura anatomica
58252 | 6940 | part |
7813 | part |
trigeminal pore of trigeminal cave
porus trigeminalis cavi trigeminalis
55006 | 2439 | part |
isthmus of fauces ; oropharyngeal isthmus
isthmus faucium
77282 | 2814 | part |
(incisive duct )
(ductus incisivus )
75369 | 467 | part |
condylar canal
canalis condylaris
302877 | 624 | part |
cribriform foramen of ethmoid
foramen cribrosum ossis ethmoidalis
17442 | part |
superior glenohumeral foramen
foramen glenohumerale superius
17444 | part |
inferior glenohumeral foramen
foramen glenohumerale inferius
77256 | 1960 | part |
urogenital hiatus
hiatus urogenitalis
47 items
85 entities
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
359 |
The foramen lacerum consists of external and internal fissures.
17045 |
The medial meniscotibial or medial coronary ligament
Signature |
Type of list | T3 |
List Unit Identifier | 10180 |
Sublist 1 | 788 foramen vertebrale 27/28 on 8.8.2020 |
Sublist 2 | 797 foramen transversarium 21/8 on 8.11.2020 |
Sublist 3 | 1425 foramen costotransversarium 38/13 on 14.10.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 10912 apertura anatomica 181/100 on 7.1.2025 |
Subtotals | subchildren 267 subunits 149 |
Proper children | 84 |
Number of children | 351 (validated) |
Proper units | 43 |
Number of units | 192 (validated) |
Signature | 6552 (validated since 7.1.2025) |
Date: 08.01.2025 |